What is a Construction Compliance Notification Plan (CCNP)?

In the context of a building warrant or construction project, compliance notification plans are documents that outline the steps and processes for ensuring compliance with building standards throughout the construction process.

The CCNP document is issued as part of the approved building warrant set. Its worth taking the time to familiarise yourself with this document as its important. These plans typically outline the various stages that building control requires to be notified.

The purpose of a compliance notification plan is to demonstrate to the building control authority that the construction project meets the required standards and that appropriate measures are in place to monitor and maintain compliance throughout the construction phase.

Understanding Your Responsibilities: Building Warrants and CCNPs

Once your building warrant has been approved, you will receive two crucial documents:

Approved Building Warrant

This document authorizes you to proceed with the construction work.

Construction Compliance Notification Plan (CCNP)

This plan outlines your responsibilities as a homeowner during the construction process.

The Key Responsibilities

Key responsibilities outlined in the CCNP typically include:

Notification to Building Standards

Notifications to Building Standards: You will need to notify your local building standards department at specific stages of the project, as outlined in the CCNP. These notifications may include:

    • Before work starts on-site: Typically, a 7-day notice is required.
    • At various stages throughout the build: This could include notifications before starting specific works, such as foundations, roof installation, or internal finishes.
    • Upon completion of the project: A final notification is required to schedule a completion inspection.
Communication with Building Standards

 It’s essential to maintain open communication with the building standards department throughout the project. Be prepared to provide any necessary information or documentation upon request.

Remember, as the homeowner, you are ultimately responsible for ensuring that the construction work complies with building regulations. It's crucial to discuss these responsibilities with your builder and agree on who will be responsible for contacting and communicating with the building standards department.

Take the time to read the CCNP thoroughly before starting work or engaging a builder. Understanding your responsibilities will help you avoid potential issues and ensure a smooth construction process.